The Bubbly Love Course Volume 1
“The Bubbly Love Course” is an interactive lesson plan whose goal is to inspire self-love, mindfulness, and transformation through the Arts. "The Bubbly Love Course" explores Meditation, Journaling, Music, Rap, Songwriting, Dance, Theater, Art, Fashion, and Performance. This wide range of artistic forms provide the foundation to build a customized self-love routine for your daily life. In "The Bubbly Love Course", students learn how to identify emotions and find fun, healthy ways to express ourselves. "The Bubbly Love Course" is inspired by my experiences and training throughout my career as an Artist. "The Bubbly Love Course" combines all of the things that I love and have brought me transformation. In life, as humans, we will have ups and downs. I realized that in those down moments, we must concoct a medicine for ourselves. "The Bubbly Love Course" has been my medicine. There are things in my life that I once thought were "bad" and turned out to be the very things I needed to grow. The exercises shared in "The Bubbly Love Course" can be used in a classroom or at home with the family. The manuscript begins with a lesson narrative following a list of exercises. Each exercise has helped me to be a better Artist and overall person. When I discovered Meditation, I discovered a deeper self-love, and gratitude for others. Journaling helps me to gain clarity and release anxiety. Singing and Rapping, taught me that the power of my voice can motivate myself and others. Theater and Dance allows me the opportunity to be silly and animated. Art and Fashion allow me to be hands on and technical. Performance allows me to combine all of my skills and be myself. The exercises in "The Bubbly Love Course" have brought me a freedom that I want to share with others.